RIS Definitions

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Last updated: 31.03.2021

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Cargo means any goods, wares merchandise and articles carried on a ship. Therefore, a ship carries cargo consisting of one or more consignments (with the necessary equipment) each consisting of one or more good items.

(Source: draft revision of Commission Regulation (EU) No 164/2010 (Electronic Reporting), IMO)

Previous definition(s)

Cargo (synonym: Freight) are goods transported or to be transported, all goods carried on a ship covered by a bill of loading. (Source: P&O Nedlloyd A-Z of shipping terms) Cargo (synonym: Freight) means any goods, wares, merchandise and articles of every kind whatsoever carried on a ship other than mail, ship’s stores, ship’s spare parts, ship’s equipment, crew’s effects and passengers’ accompanied baggage. (Source: IMO FAL Convention 1998 edition)
