RIS Definitions

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Last updated: 31.03.2021

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Presentation library for ECDIS means a set of mostly digital specifications, composed of symbol libraries, colour schemes, look-up tables and rules, linking every feature and attribute of the SENC to the appropriate presentation of the ECDIS display. Published by IHO as Annex A, Special Publication No 52 (S-52).

(Source: Inland ECDIS Standard as specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2018/1973)

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Presentation Library for ECDIS means a set of mostly digital specifications, composed of symbol libraries, colour schemes, look-up tables and rules, linking every feature and attribute of the SENC to the appropriate presentation of the ECDIS display. Published by IHO as Appendix 2 of its Special Publication No. 52 (S-52). (Source : CCNR Inland ECDIS Standard ; Edition 2.0/23/11/2006)

Inland ECDIS