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Last updated: 31.03.2021

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Global Positioning System (GPS) means a space-based, radio positioning, navigation and time-transfer system operated by the United States Government, in origin military with a standard constellation of 24 satellites. Civil use is allowed.

(Source: ESA; IMO Resolution A.915 (22))

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Global Positioning System (GPS) means a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) developed by the United States Department of Defence and managed by the United States Air Force. It is the only fully functional GNSS in the world, can be used freely by anyone, anywhere and is often used by civilians for navigation purposes. It uses a constellation of between 24 and 32 medium Earth orbit satellites that transmit precise radio wave signals, which allow GPS receivers to determine their current location, the time, and their velocity. Its official name is NAVSTAR GPS. (Source: Wikipedia)

Positioning Systems