RIS Definitions

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Last updated: 31.03.2021

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Own Vessel’s Safety Contour means the contour related to the own vessel selected by the mariner from the contours provided for in the SENC, to be used by ECDIS to distinguish on the display between the safe and the unsafe water, and for generating anti-grounding alarms.

(Source: Inland ECDIS Standard as specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2018/1973)

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Own Ship’s Safety contour means the contour related to the own ship by the mariner from the contours provided for in the SENC, to be used by ECDIS to distinguish on the display between the safe and the unsafe water and for generating anti-grounding alarms. (Source: CCNR Inland ECDIS Standard; Edition 2.0/23/11/2006)

Inland ECDIS